Primator 10
Golden beer, very pleasant to the eye with a nice, snow-white, high and durable foam. Hoppy and herby aroma, not very intense. Bitter, breadiness and a bit of malt in the background. The taste is well balanced, beer is not watery.
Alcohol content: 4%
10% extract

Primator 11
Primátor Ležák 11 is a bottom fermented beer produced using classic technology only from Czech ingredients. Main fermentation takes place in open vats then the beer matures in cellars for a minimum of 50 days. It has a bright golden color with a characteristic flash. The top is adorned with thick white foam. The aroma of a Moravian malt and the taste of Saaz hops creates a beer with a characteristic mild bitterness and medium body.
Alcohol content: 4.7%
11% extract

Primator 12
Primator Premium is Czech beer from the Nachoda brewery. It is a representative of Czech twelves. Beer with a light orange color, abundant white foam. In the taste a delicate malt is felt with fruity notes laced with pronounced bitterness.
Alcohol content: 5%
12% extract

Primator 13 (Polotmavy)
It is a semi-dark lager with an amber color and durable, creamy foam. To combine the characteristics of light and dark beer, wheat and caramel malt were used for brewing. Refreshing and slightly bitter taste. Great for spicy dishes, grilled fish and poultry.
Alcohol content: 5.5%
13% extract

Primator 16 (Exkuziv)
Primátor Exkluziv 16 is the pride of the Náchod brewery due to the large number of awards. This beer is valued for the rich taste and sweetness of the original Moravian malts. As a Czech “Doppell Bock” it has a deep golden color, strong malt aroma and abundant foam. Thanks to the high alcohol content, it warms up very well, especially on cooler days.
Alcohol content: 7.5%
16% extract

Primator 21 (Imperial)
Primator Rytirsky 21 is a Czech Strong Pale Lager beer produced at the Náchod brewery. Foam not very abundant, but quite durable. The color of the beer corresponds to its power – dark gold, falling into copper. Intense malt and alcohol in the fragrance. Malt also dominates the flavor. Alcohol is quite noticeable, with alcoholic bitterness at the finish. The whole is strong and warming up.
Alcohol content: 9%
21% extract

Primator 24 (Double)
Very strong, dark porter beer. Very rich and durable foam, in coffee color. The fragrance includes caramel and yeast. The beer has a characteristic sweet taste, the notes of roasted malt pierce through the sweetness. Alcohol is not felt. A typical beer to enjoy, especially for those who like sweet beers
Alcohol content: 10.5%
24% extract

Primator Chipper
Chipper is a refreshing, fruity top-fermented beer, pasteurized with low alcohol content. It was created as a combination of grapefruit juice and wheat beer. Thanks to this, it maintains its fresh, refreshing character with a distinct fruity bitterness and dry taste.
Alcohol content: 2%
8% extract

Primator Dark
Dark bottom fermented beer made using four different types of malt. They give a full malty flavor with notes of roasted caramel and delicate hoppy bitterness in the background. The cream foam and dark pomegranate color are equally characteristic to this beer.
Alcohol content: 4.5%
12% extract

Primator Stout
Dark stout beer. Brewed by top fermentation. Pasteurized. Almost black and opaque. Makes a creamy and abundant foam when poured. The aroma is dominated by roasted malt with the addition of coffee and chocolate. Similar taste. A distinct bitterness in the background.
Alcohol content: 4.8%
12% extract

Primator English Pale Ale
The beer style refers to English Pale Ale beers. Intensely hoppy aroma with a slight caramel note. The taste is subtly bitter. Dark amber color falling slightly into brown.
Alcohol content: 5%
12% extract

Primator Indian Pale Ale
Clear, light orange color. White foam, high after pouring, creates a dense, even cap, consisting of small blisters and bubbles here and there. Mainly hoppy aroma, mixed with malt and sweetness of caramel. In addition, fruit, citrus and peach accents. Medium intensity, the bitterness is countered with solid malt. The beer is quite sweet, caramely, additionally you can feel different types of fruits and citruses.
Alcohol content: 6.5%
12% extract

Primator Weizenbier
Bavarian Hefe Weizen style wheat beer with yeast sediment, pasteurized. High foam, almost orange, sour-sweet aroma typical for wheat beers, very intense. Carbonation perfectly balanced. All typical Weizen flavor attributes, clear and well-harmonized.
Alcohol content: 4.8%
12% extract

Primator Nealko
Brewed since 1983, one of the first non-alcoholic beers on the market. Golden clear color. Delicate malty and hoppy aroma. Fine white foam. It slowly falls into the sheepskin coat. The taste is very malty with a slight hop bitterness, a little breadiness and sweetness. Medium carbonation.
Alcohol content: 0.5%